
Each CBC unit is designed with specific standards in mind and assessments are taken throughout the project.

When children enter Grade 1or any class at Lukenya Academy Junior School, they will be placed in one of the four Houses: Impala, Twiga, Chui and Simba. Each term there are a range of competitive activities that children take part in. This enriches your child’s educational experience and provides opportunities for your child to develop a broad range of skills.

Throughout the year there are a wide range of Music, Art and Sporting experiences that your child can be involved in. There will be school performances, assemblies and various sports events giving all children an opportunity to perform in front of an audience. Your child may be selected for the school sports teams and can attend practices and trials accordingly. There are also many Inter-house sporting events throughout the year which every child participates in.

Lukenya CBC aim

The aim of the Lukenya Academy Competency Based Curriculum is to build upon the basic skills and concepts learned during their time in the Kindergarten Years. Children are expected to work with increasing independence and to develop their ability to be problem solvers and inquiring thinkers. Our curriculum supports our children throughout their learning journey, encouraging a thirst for learning, an enjoyment of school as well as preparing them for the next level, Senior Primary School, where they get exposed to a wide range of learning areas.

Our curriculum is built around projects and activities which motivate students to gain knowledge, and they remember it longer. Projects give students the chance to apply the skills they learn in school to personally relevant and real -world situations. Your child also learns skills in CBC such as how to think critically, solve problems, work in teams and make presentations. These skills will help students succeed in the future, both in school and today’s work world.

What are the 21st Century skills Lukenya students will be learning?



  • Take responsibility for the quality and timeliness of their own work.
  • Stay on task during group work
  • Accept shared responsibility for the work of the group
  • Respect the ideas, opinions, abilities, values and feeling of other group members
  • 02

    Critical Thinking/Problem Solving

  • Recognise and define problems accurately
  • Raise relevant questions
  • Organise and analyse information gathered
  • 03

    Communication (When making a presentation)

  • Organise ideas and develop content appropriate to audience
  • Use effective oral presentation skills
  • Create media/visual aids that enhance content delivery
  • Gauge audience reaction
  • Respond to questions appropriately
  • CBC in a nutshell ...

    CBC allows for learning our curriculum throughout the course of the project, rather than a project at the end.

    Units may incorporate:
    • reading and writing in both English and Kiswahili,
    • Maths,
    • Environmental studies, and
    • Hygiene and Nutrition.

    Each CBC unit is designed with specific standards in mind and assessments are taken throughout the project. For instance, there will be a Language rubric to grade writing portions of the project or a Maths rubric to grade Maths activities done during the course of the unit.