Lukenya Academy British Curriculum
Lukenya Academy British Curriculum
Academics are at the heart of our school, and we’re respected for our achievements. But don’t just take our word for it: recently, we won BIG in the Great Places to School competition, which is open to all private schools in Kenya, 8-4-4 and International. We won for our Value Added success, or the difference we help children to create between their incoming and outgoing grades.
We’re especially proud of this because we’re a consciously mixed-ability school that believes ALL children, whatever their intake grades, have a right to access.
Whether entering Lukenya British Curriculum from the 8-4-4, the new CBC or other East African and global systems, pupils can be assured of a seamless and painless academic transition. Our experienced and well-trained teachers will ensure this.
Our core qualification is the International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE), which is the international version of the GCSE that students in Britain read towards. IGCSEs are globally-respected, and we offer them through both Cambridge AND Pearson-Edexcel, tailoring our courses to the needs of learners and the skills of our enthusiastic staff, all of whom are externally trained in the British Curriculum as well as being professionally in-serviced.
We offer IGCSEs in a range of subjects, both traditional and ‘new’, such as Environmental Management, Travel & Tourism, and Global Perspectives, which is a critical-thinking subject based around important local and global Social Issues.
The IGCSE can lead directly to further education in Kenya or abroad, but we have already planned to offer, from September 2023…
A Levels – from 2023
A Levels are sometimes known as the Gold Standard of British education, and although IGCSEs in some societies can alone lead directly to university, in other societies that offer three-year university degrees, the A Level is often required.
We intend to offer a tailored range of A Levels, and are already training our staff, well in advance, to provide the best small-community A Level education that can be found in Kenya. We’ll do this with our usual lack of pretentiousness and our renowned expertise.
Our students deserve the best, and we’re planning for that from DAY ONE! Any child joining our school for IGCSEs from now onwards will find, we anticipate, that a fine A Level school awaits them AFTER those IGCSEs, if indeed this is the route they choose.
Allan Gray / Wavumbuzi Entrepreneurship Challenge
We’re proud to announce that we’ve just won big-time in last year’s WAVUMBUZI ENTREPRENEURSHIP CHALLENGE, which was open to all secondary schools in Kenya – private, public, 8-4-4 and ‘Other Curriculum’. Many schools took part.
Each week certain of our pupils won prizes for coming top countrywide in weekly challenges, but we’ve just heard that in the core PITCH COMPETITION, in which pairs of pupils had to pitch a new business plan in video format, two of last year’s Year 11s have EACH won 35,000Kes worth of educational items of their choice for a business entitled “Runnin’ Stax”, which was an app designed to help joggers and other athletes plan safe and demanding routes. Great congratulations to Sandra Arika and Ahmed Osman, and huge thanks to Mr Jonathan and Ms Clarise for steering these pupils and others towards success.
Later this term, numerous Year 10 and 11 pupils will again compete – good luck to all of them.
At Lukenya British Curriculum, scholars gain a future both through their curriculum studies and through a broad range of co-curricular activities. Well done again!
Great Places to School
Recently, we won BIG in the first ever Great Places to School Competition, which is sponsored by the Kenya Private Schools Association, The Standard Newspaper and the Global Peace Foundation.
This is a competition that will now run annually, and which can be entered by ALL Private Secondary Schools in the Republic of Kenya, 8-4-4 or International.
We won because of our focus on ACADEMICS, especially ‘Value Added’, or the difference in performance between a pupil’s arrival and their graduation from Lukenya British Curriculum.
We’re proud of this success, because although we get a lot of Top Grades, we’re deliberately mixed ability and concentrate on helping EVERY child, regardless of intake grades.
Clubs and Societies:
Lukenya British Curriculum runs a number of Clubs and Societies, and is always open to running even more, based on popular pupil demand. Here’s a selection of our current Clubs and Societies, which occur on Mondays and Thursdays:
- President’s Award
- Cooking Club
- Environment Club
- Music and Drama/Film
- Science
- St John
- Board Games
Lukenya British Curriculum offers pupils access to a range of physical activities, including:
- Swimming
- Football
- Basketball and Netball
- Athletics
- Horse Riding
- Yoga
- Hiking and Rock Climbing
The sports are run by teachers, and in certain areas trained professionals offer occasional coaching.
Lukenya British Curriculum caters for pupils’ wider welfare needs in an impressive range of ways, including:
- Dedicated class teacher support for parents and pupils
- Adult-led counselling
- A peer-counselling system for boys and girls
- Special Educational Needs (SEN) support
- Gender-specific support
- Timetabled pastoral lessons, including personal, social and health education
- Financial education for older pupils
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